Recently I found myself upset and feeling like a cliche because I was upset and feeling like a cliche! Ugh... Life is complicated. ;-)
But, c'est la vie! I'm a cliche. What makes me think I'm too important to ponder the same questions that others have pondered? I'm going to take this opportunity to feel one with the rest of humanity and enjoy my mid-life crisis! I'm going to roll around in it like it's a pile of 100 dollar bills!
I've been pondering the question of the importance of passion in my life. I feel like I have the weigh the benefits of stability and security against the excitement of passion and intensity. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't we have it all? Why have we as a people made it so difficult to be happy? We've made the rules so strict...we've made it almost impossible to maintain happiness.
Unless we choose a partner who will work with us through all the different iterations of ourselves. A partner who will allow you to explore yourself; who will allow you to change -- sometimes drastically.
The last few months have been full of change and I suspect the next few will prove to be full of even more while J and I continue to grow into our new selves. I like who we are becoming. I can't wait to meet the final transformed people. <3