Saturday, June 23, 2012


I've been thinking a lot about change lately and I have a lot of questions.  Usually I embrace change.  It's exciting, it's new, and, quite frankly, until recently, anything was better than what I had so bring on the change!

Now, I don't know.  Things are pretty awesome right now.  I dare to say perfect.  But, what if they're not perfect...they're just the most perfect that I've ever known and with one more change would there be one more layer of perfect?  Like going through the Emerald Door at Frazier's spa?  Or, what if there are 100 more layers of perfect, but I'm stuck here in -100 perfect because I'm too afraid to risk loosing the perfect that I have?  Would that even be a bad thing?  Right now, I think this is 100% perfect.  Are you really giving something up if you don't know if it exists?

Do I even know if I want this change?  How could I know...I don't even know if I want a nap or chicken.

If you do decide to take the plunge and make a change just to see if it's something you want, how do you do it?  Do you have to lay out a step-by-step plan and follow it to the letter?  And, if anything doesn't go 100% according to the plan, do you take that as a sign that the change isn't working? How/when do you figure out if the change is working for the better or worse?  Do you follow the plan through to the end no matter what and then decide if it's working?  That seems risky!

When I was younger, I would think of things that I wanted to do and somehow they just got done.  Slowly, one by one, pieces began to fall into place and eventually some change was made.  Things seem more complicated now.

1 comment:

  1. Iola
    I am finding at my age to that change is scary but so far I think the change has been great. I have started down a path and many people have said that they can see many of my changes and that they are for the better. no one knows if a change will be better but most of the time, if you have to work for it, it turns out to be for the better. I love you.
